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The premium package help sellers to promote their products or services by giving more visibility to their listings to attract more buyers and sell faster.


0 € / listing

  • Up to 3 images allowed
  • Keep online for 30 days
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15 € / listing

  • 60 days of promotion
  • Up to 7 images allowed
  • Featured on the homepage
  • Featured in the category
  • Keep online for 180 days
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30 € / listing

  • 90 days of promotion
  • Up to 10 images allowed
  • Featured on the homepage
  • Featured in the category
  • Keep online for 180 days
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Publish more listings with more pictures with subscriptions. Subscriptions also allow to keep your listings online longer.


0 € / year

  • Up to 3 listings allowed
  • Add 3 pictures per listing
  • Keep listings online for 30 days
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80 € / year

  • Publish up to 30 listings per year
  • Add 5 pictures per listing
  • Not expensive (can call it cheap if u want :)
  • Ideal for companies who want to showcase their products and want to be "in the game"
  • Keep listings online for 365 days
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150 € / year

  • Publish up to 60 listings per year
  • Add 8 pictures per listing
  • For companies with large portofolio of machinery and accesories
  • Keep listings online for 365 days
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